Username: Mayfly
Level: 2
Cards: 150 Cards + 6 Coupons + 9 Lovebills
Collecting: snowprince & lastangel
Trading: Mail me at OR
Leave a comment, including name, URL, wanted and offered cards.
This is a Heartchu log. If you'll join (which would be very fun!) please write Mayfly as referrer.
Priorities: Snowprince, lastangel, ojbh, hiyaya
7 Oktober -07
Starterpack: wild24, soul03, royalty13, machoman03, kokoro02, ivyspring14, ijuksa17, giordano05,
dontdon19, dontdon01, comet02, chicago20
Coupons: bichoicecoupon, ss501randomcoupon
Weekly freebie: dontdon18
New decks (3 total cards): chicago19, royalty12, yongwonhi20
Free SS501 card: teddybear15
Lyrics Mania: comet14, chicago10
8 Oktober -07
Trade with Mere: soul03 for comet 15
Trade with jaehyun: dontdon15 for yongwonhi20
Trade with Amehoshi: chicago03 for wild24
Tri-angle slots: togheter09, soul07
9 Oktober -07
SS Madness: cyborg09, ivyspring09
Stampcard uploaded (should've been fixed yesterday)
10 Oktober -07
Trade with dashbox: togheter09 for teddybear09
Trade with i_heart_aiba: royalty12 & royalty13 for dontdonmv04 & comet04
11 Oktober -07
Trade with Yoon: giordano05 for comet03
Trade membercard with Yoon
Trade membercard with Amehoshi
Trade membercard with Mere
13 Oktober
Trade membercard with Amber
Trade with Amber: dontdonmv04 for dontdon17
27 Oktober -07
Trade membercard with Chair
Trade with Chair: ivyspring14 for comet18
Trade with Lisa: soul07 for comet12
Trade membercard: Lisa
Free MV deck: lastangel08
Free MV deck: ojbh18 and u06
Free MV deck: moveon01
Taliana's birthday, free card; hujin01
TRI-angle slots: dohc06 and mstyle19
Weekly freebie: simba04
28 Oktober -07
Weekly freebie: chocopie09
Junior Puzzle: ojbh03
Legend Puzzle: teddybear18
Rising Puzzle: fairycake01
Kangin's Wrath: balloons10, togheter19
Free new deck: candyland15, dancingout02
Mission Impossible: warning03, sarang17
Fruit, Yes or No?: friedrice06, hiyaya18, dancingout17
Passion Puzzle: umma05, sarang08, haengbok19, simba03
Hostage: drag28, sarang06, chicago02, ojbh10, Any random coupon
Event cards (forgotten to upload them xD): layout02, event11, event12, event13
Witchhunt: melody10, rokkugoh17, tomorrow08, ojbh12, SuJu random coupon
29 Oktober -07
iPod mania: ojbh05, onceinalifetime13, moveon19
Donating badge set: comet01, dancingout17, fairycake18, machoman05, mstyle03, sarang08
Membercard upload; Lisa
Trade with Tessy: ivyspring09 for dontdon11
Trade with Yuubi: dohc06 for comet09
Trade with Feyana: simba03 and umma05 for comet07 and comet18
Trade membercard: Feyana
Trade with Silver: drag28 for lastangel06
30 Oktober -07
Exchange Bi 1 Choice Card: dohc17
Exchange SS501 random card: holiday08
Trade with Heeyoung: dancingout17 for comet19
31 Oktober -07
Trade with Mashka: tomorrow08 and friedrice06 for comet11 and dontdon04
Trick or Treat: millionman07, handkerchief20, ufo08
2 November -07
Trade with Topaze: candyland15 for comet05
Trade membercard: Topaze
Free new deck: stomp20 and inspiration13
Event cards: Trick or Treat
Stampcard rewards: shineday07 and together
3 November -07
Trade with Shuu: inspiration13 for ojbh02
Trade membercard: Shuu
Trade with Xanthe: stomp20 for comet13
6 November -07
Trade with Tessy: handkerchief20 for dontdon03
Trade membercard: Tessy
Weekly freebie: incoming14
New deck: pinupboys02
SuJu freebie: dontdon08
17 December
Trade with Soyna: pinupboys02 for comet20
Trade membercard: Soyna
Trade with Chair: fairycake01 and fairycake18 for dontdon12 and comet11
Advent Calendar: fairycake06
Event card: event21
Free deck: thoughguy08
Junior puzzle: millionman08
MVMania: snowprince06, pinupboys06, melody11
Pop quiz: lastangel13, snowprince02, lovebillsuju
Kangins wrath: lastangel09, dontdonmv07, lovebillshinhwa
TRI-angle slots: lovebilldbsg, u01, umma08, mawang05, pumpkin03
Mission impossible: snowprince04, dancingout18
Witch Hunt: snowprince17, romance03, kokoro17, crazymouse28, anyrandom coupon, lovebillss501
18 December
Trade with Mere: thoughguy08 for snowprince09
20 December
Advent Calendar: fairycake07, rokkugoh06
Trade with Elizabethh: u01 and romance03 for snowprince08 and snowprince16
Trade with Scorp: teddybear09 for comet16
Witch hunt: unlock13, eternity13 , snowprince13, cowboy12, shinhwarandomcard, lovebillshinhwa
Popquiz: snowprince01, miniskirt11
Trade with Mia: chicago02 and chicago20 for dontdon07 and dontdon09
TRI-angle slots: yongwonhi12, imcoming04
Mission impossible: showmeyourlove01, stomp09
Hostage: dontdon10, unlock11, lust10, thislove14, shinhwachoicecard, lovebillsuju
22 December
Advent Calendar: Phantom15, lovebillshinhwa
Trade with ShouShoo: millionman07 for snowprince07
Membercard trade: ShouShoo
Trade with Bees: showmeyourlove01 for snowprince11
Membercard trade: Bees
23 December
Trade with Chi: mstyle03 for lastangel20
Memercard trade: Chi
Trade with Lola: pumpkin03 for snowprince05
Coupon exchange: comet06
Trade with Kat: cyborg09 for comet08
Advent Calendar: thislove12, silly19
Crazy Mouse card exchange: comet17
24 December
Event card: 100 decks
New decks: snowdream08, summerdream08, taste08, docovo05
Weekly freebie: unlock18
Trade with vicvickyrox: rokkugoh06 for ojbh15
Lyrics mania: taste17, romance07
MV Mania: dontdon20, snowprince12, summerdream09
Advent calendar: snowdream10, romance17, prince05
25 December
Advent calendar: summerdream02, hiyaya10, purple19, silly21, anychoicecoupon, dbsgchoicecoupon, sujulovebill
Trade with Mashka: summerdream08,09 and taste08 for ojbh17, dontdon05,13
*Stampcard completed*
Stampcard reward: racoon17, taste01
Junior puzzle: mouse18
Rising puzzle: lastangel02
Legend puzzle: snowprince20
Nappun puzzle: silly17, twins04, sprissummer03, snowdream13 ,ss501choicecoupon
Passion puzzle: pinupboys25, purple04, lastangel04, u09, shinhwalovebill
Any choice card exchange: comet10
26 December
Level up rewards: dontdon16, ivyspring14, genki14, machoman1, miniskirt04, together04, sunshine03
Mastered comet; rewards: badguy09, dontdon06, dontdon14, pumpkin10, summerdream11, taeyang19, twins07
Advent calendar: cowboy14, trot13, haengbok09
Trade with Cleyra: haengbok19, taste17, snowdream10 for lastangel10, dontdon02, dontdonmv17
Free card: snowprince10
Mastered dontdon; rewards: showmeyourlove26, snowdream02, snowprince17, sprissummer05, twins07, denim14, snowprince03
27 December
Trade with Mere: lastangel01 and lastangel07 for silly17 and silly19
28 December
Trade with Shelly: denim14 for lastangel18
Trade with cherlxy: machoman03 and teddybear15 for ojbh16 and lastangel19
Trade with Mere: silly21 for hiyaya14
Trade with Soyna: taste01 for snowprince19
Advent calendar: sprissummer08
30 December
Advent calendar: prince18
Trade with Silver: snowdream08, racoon19 and summerdream02 for hiyaya12, hiyaya13 and snowprince15
31 DecemberMember lottery: pumpkin15, taste16, changjo04, pinupboys21, sujurandom coupon and sujuchoice couponFree new deck: paris09Trade with Billibelle: summerdream11 and snowdream 13 for snowprince18 and hiyaya12
Advent calendar: cowboy19, eternity18
1 January 2008Trade with Cleyra: showmeyourlove26 and chicago10 for lastangel05 and hiyaya16
2 JanuaryCoupon exchange: snowprince14
Event cards uploaded
Pop quiz: balloons18, pinupboys22, shinhwalovebill
Kangin's wrath: shinenight16, ivyspring17, sujulovebill
Junior puzzle: bonjour20
Legend puzzle: paris08
Rising puzzle paris16
Ipod mania: silly20, showmeyourlove09, holiday10, rainlovebill
Witch hunt: wedding20, denim19, thoughguy07, twins09, ss501 random card, dbsglovebill
Mission impossible: ojbh04, stomp05
Matchmaker: bonjour17
4 January
Trade with Scorp: taste16 for dontdonmv20
TRI-angle slots: pinupboys12, snowprince04, eternity02, dontdonmv19, dbsg lovebill
7 January
Mastery reward: soul10, pinupboys14, lastangel03, onceinalifetime03, lust20, candyland20, bonjour12, lastangel11
Junior puzzle: paris18
15 January
Lyrics mania: inspiration03, peace23
Ipod mania: peace28, lust11, racoon20, sujulovebill
Fruit, yes or no: paris11, summerdream07, cowboy05, shinhwalovebill
Mission impossible: prince06, bonjour19
18 January
Trade with Shuu: chicago19 for cowboy16
Trade with Cherlxy: bonjour12 for cowboy15*
New deck: winter0701
Silly card exchange: silly20 to lastangel17
Stampcard completed
19 January
Witch hunt: peace04, paris07, ufo06, twins19, shinhwa choice card, sujulovebill
Weekly freebies: holiday12
Mission impossible: pinupboys08, snowdream17
Pop quiz: hiyaya02, yongwonhi18, sujulovebill
21 January
Trade with Topaze: bonjour17 and bonjour20 for cowboy09 and snowdream03
Weekly freebie: dandy07
New decks: redsun04, getsome03, newdream04
Pop quiz: newdream13, friedrice02, sujulovebill
Kangin's wrath: hiyaya17, warning20, shinhwalovebill
Witch hunt: sarang13, hiyaya20, ivyspring16, dolphin13, shinhwa1 choice card, sujulovebill
Hostage: ijuksa19, peace29, getsome18, ufo01, shinhwa random card, shinhwalovebill
27 January
SS Madness: eastsea19, teddybear03
Stampcard reward: simba16, yongwonhi17
Legend puzzle: peace21
Rising puzzle: getsome10
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