torsdag 11 september 2008


I'm so happy. My new class is AWESOME and my new teacher's too ^^
They do actually CARE about us student's on this school!

Our sciences teacher and our chinese teacher are my favourites ^^
My chinese teacher is very nice and she's adorable. We got our book's today, they look really nice. There's two cd's to it too, so now maybe I can learn how to pronouce correctly xD

Our sciences teacher is weird, funny and a bit clumsy... He told us about an accident that happend a year ago...
He was jumping for a thingy that hangs up in the roof (they can show pictures and slideshows on them, can't remember name) and when he landed, he landed on his toe's and broke them. But he didn't want to show it to the class, so he held the whole lesson, getting just paler and paler... But he made it and then went to hospital... It sounds horrible and probably was, but when he told us it was very funny and he seemed to think so too xD
And he have said and written and drawn wrong and weird things on the board, and he have done silly sound-effect's and today he had this table on wheels with a tv on it and he was pushing it through the room and BAM! Into another table and my friend's chair xD He did some sound-effect again and then said, in a very light tenor voice; "Oops! It wasn't me!" and then he run off with the tv!

Our math's teacher is nice, but he talk's alot. A L O T ! ! ! He talk's so much that my classmate's (and me) start's with the math even if he's not done... I guess that say's everything...
Then we have our civics and history teacher. He's so... slack. He forget's things and he's random. Last week, he dragged my arm and said "Hey, we should sing a song! Emma, you said you wanted to sing a song!" xD
Yesterday he poked my friend xD

It's really fun to be in school for the first time on 6 year's ^^

Have a nice day, I got chinese to do ^^

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